Russian speakers endorse the translation

Excellent endorsements for the Russian translation have been received from our northern hemisphere cousins, including pastors from different denominations, a prominent lawyer, theological scholars with PhD status, and others. Here is a translated excerpt from a review authored by a prominent PhD New Testament scholar, Dr Somov who is affiliated with the Russian orthodox community:

“It is striking that Clerke… creates a book that is stunning in breadth and depth of coverage of the material, a volume of elaborated literature, both ancient and recent. The author acts consistently and scrupulously… The book is written in a lively and dialogical manner, speaking in simple language about rather complex things… [The book] undoubtedly becomes a useful source and tool for those who are interested in the origin of the New Testament, its content and historical realities of the time when it was written.”

Do thank Jesus Christ for these encouraging words, which will help ensure that the messages of the book will be seriously considered by Russian speakers. Please ask our great creator that the Russian publication will be for sale in their shops within the next 6 weeks.

You can help support this work by purchasing a copy of Echoes of Jesus. Also there are two opportunities to meet me, Jonathan Clerke, and buy your signed copy of “Echoes of Jesus, Does the New Testament Reflect What He Said?” 2nd edition.

Koorong Bookstore,
7 Broadway St, Woolloongabba (off-street parking available)
Saturday, December 12,  10.00am – 2.30pm

The following weekend at Koorong Bookstore,
38 Chatswood Rd, Springwood (off-street parking available)
Saturday December 19,  10.00am -2.30pm

Also, this is an ideal Christmas Gift for a friend or loved one who is seeking the truth about the New Testament and Jesus Christ. Mark the dates and times in your calendar today.

Looking forward to seeing you at Koorong!


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