Does the New Testament reflect what He said?

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Echoes Of Jesus cover

Does the New Testament reflect what He said?

Can we trust what he says?

New York Times bestselling books have taken the view that the oldest New Testament documents paint a very different picture to later copies. Others are of the opinion original gospel accounts were never intended to be historically accurate.

Many people assume that the bias of original NT authors distorted their recollections of Jesus, and Jesus’ words were not put into written form for several decades, allowing distortion to occur.

What would you say?

What do you believe and why?

Second edition expanded & updated

Echoes of Jesus equips you with evidence in an engaging manner, following along a logical journey of discovery. When you’ve read this book you will:

  • understand how literate and historically aware the ancient civilisations were
  • appreciate how it was possible for first disciples to accurately record Jesus’ life and teachings
  • have a highly readable explanation of ancient New Testament documents and know what they say about accuracy in copying
  • know the content and credibility of non-Christian ancient literature that comment on Jesus and the first Christians.


Echoes of Jesus is a very comprehensive volume. Check out the following free to read selections. This ‘must read’ book is also available in Arabic, Russian, and soon in Ukrainian.



Rev Dr John Sweetman
Rev Dr John SweetmanD.Min (USA); Principal of Malyon College, Brisbane.
This is a book for those who like to question and think and who are not satisfied with pat answers. This is an excellent resource for theological faculty and students as well as for anyone genuinely searching for truth. If you have questions or doubts about the identity of the real Jesus or the reliability of the Bible, this is the book for you.
Dr Bernie Power
Dr Bernie PowerD.Th, lecturer in Islamic Studies
Echoes of Jesus is a very insightful and much-needed book in the area of apologetics. I plan to use it as a text in Australia’s only theologically-accredited Apologetics to Islam course run at the Melbourne School of Theology.
Rev. Dr. Bernard Low
Rev. Dr. Bernard Lowformer Associate Professor in Systematic Theology at Singapore Bible College; PhD (University of Nottingham).
For anyone interested in the truth claims of Christianity, this book by Jonathan Clerke is a helpful and interesting read and an excellent resource. Based on extensive, robust and systematic research of primary and secondary sources, the author persuasively argues that the New Testament accurately and faithfully records what Jesus said and taught in his lifetime.
Rev Dr. Peter Christofides
Rev Dr. Peter ChristofidesD. Litt et Phil, PhD, VOSE Seminary, Perth, Australia.
This book is a “must get” for anyone interested in “digging deeper” on their journey through the New Testament. I will be recommending “Echoes of Jesus” to my students and church friends as it invites its readers to carefully study in order to carefully apply.
Dr James M. Leonard
Dr James M. LeonardPhD (Cambridge), former Adjunct Professor (LSU, Notre Dame Seminary, Loyola University, John Brown University, Arkansas, US)
This well written work on the biblical account of the historical Jesus exposes the reader to key issues that are often overlooked in popular Christian apologetics. It raises the believer's confidence levels in the reliability of the Gospels and the apostolic writings, and should be taken seriously by scholars.

Echoes of Jesus is appreciated by a wide variety of readers. It has been reviewed by pastors from many denominations, theological college lecturers and students, and the wider reading audience.